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Galleon AviationNews: Instant and free access to current China Civil Aviation industry news and market trends.
Conferences: Our full event schedule, including details on each individual conference.
Supplier Networking: Social networking feature dedicated to helping you connect with potential business opportunities
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simple game
action game
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First Choice GroupSearch For manuals for commercial catering spares
Download and view manuals offline
Identify the parts you looking for and get availability
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MASTERSOLUTION REFLECT AgentEinsicht des Hardwareinventars
Zur Anzeige in der MASTERSOLUTION REFLECT Konsole
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MASTERSOLUTION REFLECT KonsoleAnzeige der aller Computer/Tablets im Unternehmen
Einsicht des Softwareinventars der Computer
Einsicht des Hardwareinventars der Computer
Anzeige der Alerts
Scannen von Barcodes um sich das jeweilige Gerät anzeigen zu lassen
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Parts TownInteractive Equipment Diagrams: Pinch and zoom equipment diagrams and click on parts for details.
Hyperlinked Manuals: Many manuals have part numbers linked to part details and availability info at Parts Town.
Manual Sync: Manuals added to your account when you log in are available on any mobile device. - Loads of minor enhancements
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CrossTec SchoolVue TutorThumbnail View: Thumbnails of each student device allow the teacher to monitor classroom activity in a single view.*For more detailed monitoring, the teacher can discreetly view the screen of any selected student. 続きを見る。Real-time student assessment: The Question and Answer (Q&A) mode enables the teacher to conduct both individual student and peer assessment. Deliver questions verbally to the class, then・・・(略) select students to answer. Select Students either randomly (pot luck), first to answer, or in teams. Bounce questions to multiple students, ask the class to peer assess a selected response and keep individual and team scores. Class Surveys: Teachers can conduct on-the-fly surveys to gauge student knowledge and understanding. Students are able to respond in real-time to the survey questions posed and the teacher can then show results to the whole class, enabling students to receive instant feedback on their progress. Student Register: The teacher can request standard and/or custom information from each student at the start of each class and create a detailed register from the information provided. カテゴリ別売り上げランキング情報 |
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CrossTec SchoolVue StudentShow the teacher's screen to devices.
Remotely launch websites on student devices.
Request teacher help.
Question and Answer Module for instant student and peer assessment.
Remotely assign 'rewards' to students to recognize good work.
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CrossTec SchoolVue AssistantView realtime thumbnails of each connected student screen.
Manage and Control Internet and Application Use.
Lock/Unlock student computers to maintain focus when teaching.
Manage student printing.
Send preset messages to students.
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CrossTec VueAlert ConsoleSend instant alerts and notifications to desktops from your Kindle device. 続きを見る。Send full screen notifications to unattended digital public information displays. Prioritize messages and alerts with clear and concise message types and audibility. Flexible Delivery Options. Full receipt and acknowledgement history. In critical scenarios, users can type a hotkey combination to send an instant 'emergency r・・・(略) esponse'. カテゴリ別売り上げランキング情報 |
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Smart Digital Frame amzFunction:
1. Show Photo automatically.
2. Play Music synchronously.
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CrossTec Remote ControlBrowse your local network or an established Gateway to find remote Clients. 続きを見る。PIN Connect feature allows a technician to instantly locate a user anywhere across the enterprise simply by both parties entering a unique PIN code. Use 64, 128 or 256-bit encryption for each session. Remote Control – Watch (view only), Share (both parties can view and interact) or Control (remote screen and keyboard are l・・・(略) ocked) any CrossTec enabled remote PC. カテゴリ別売り上げランキング情報 |
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Medical Product OutsourcingBrilliant replica format, just like the print edition you know and love.
Text-formatted articles designed for maximum mobile readability.
Download each issue and return any time for offline reading.
Search the archive of available issues.
Bookmark your favorite articles.
Share your comments with other readers.
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MRO NetworkDownload to read offline
Archive of previous editions
Flip for double page spread
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OEM Theme - Tablet TalkTry a new look and feel based on the original Tablet Talk theme.
Cool chat bubbles.
Makes conversations easy and fun to read.
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SoftLINK Tutor AssistantKeep an Eye on Your Classes’ Computer Activity
Gain your Classes Attention
Manage your Internet & Website Control/Access
Manage your Application & Printer Access
Keep Class on Task
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RunTheNumbersJust enter amount of obsolescence, annual turnover of best-selling parts, and average profit margin.
See results instantly.
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