これが売れてる 【KORG】

1 Metronome: Tempo (Special Edition)

Metronome: Tempo (Special Edition)

複合拍子や複雑な拍子を含む30個の異なる拍子記号搭載:1-13/2、1-13/4、3/8、6/8、 9/8、12/8 単純拍子に 6リズムパターン、そして複合拍子に3パターンを用意 アクセントのカスタマイズし、もっと複雑なリズムを作成するためにビートを停止します タップテンポ機能 10~400のテンポレンジ ライブのドラミングに最適なクリックトラックを含む12のサウンドセットから選択可 複数の曲目リストにプリセットを保存 共有とバックアップセットリスト 設定リストデータファイルはiOS用Tempoと適合しています マルチタスクサポート:アプリ外部で再生が行われます

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第4位

2 Metronome: Tempo Lite

Metronome: Tempo Lite

複合拍子や複雑な拍子を含む8個の異なる拍子記号搭載:1-5/4、3/8、6/8、 9/8 単純拍子に 6リズムパターン、そして複合拍子に3パターンを用意 アクセントのカスタマイズし、もっと複雑なリズムを作成するためにビートを停止します タップテンポ機能 10~400のテンポレンジ む3のサウンドセットから選択可 マルチタスクサポート:アプリ外部で再生が行われます

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第71位

3 Gadget Guide - Korg

Gadget Guide - Korg

Gadget Guide - Korg

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > 辞書・辞典 > 第34位

4 Live Extreme Experience

Live Extreme Experience

Live Extreme形式のライブ/オンデマンド・コンテンツの再生 無料コンテンツの再生 シリアル・コード入力による有償コンテンツの追加 チャプター再生、レジューム再生に対応 ロスレス/ハイレゾ音声に対応(最大192kHz/24bit, 8ch) Dolby Atmos, AURO-3DのHDMIパススルーに対応 MPEG-H 3D Audioのデコード(最大7.1ch)およびHDMIパススルーに対応 Dolby Vision映像の再生に対応

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第26位

5 Analog Synthesizer Free

Analog Synthesizer Free

レイテンシーの少ない、速いレスポンス。押したらすぐに音が出ます。 アナログシンセのような、パラメータの変更ができます。 ディレイ等のエフェクトもあり、自分好みの音を作れます。

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第82位

6 ORG 2018

ORG 2018

More than 1000 musical instruments (Multi-sample and Recorded from real instruments) DNC Instruments and After-touch More than 1000 styles (Include Intros, Variations, Fills, Break, Endings, and Pads) with Real Chord (Press 3 or more keys) 3 Low-latency methods Connect to a real musical keyboard via USB MIDI cable

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第68位

7 Analog Synthesizer Pro

Analog Synthesizer Pro

レイテンシーの少ない、速いレスポンス。押したらすぐに音が出ます。 アナログシンセのような、パラメータの変更ができます。 ディレイ等のエフェクトもあり、自分好みの音を作れます。

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第25位

8 QiBrd


Powerful and controllable without exposing difficult synth parameters Easy to use Thought for the musician for instant and maximum expressivity Completely free and without ads Beautiful!

アプリ&ゲーム > カテゴリー別 > ミュージック > 第297位

9 Live midi patch

Live midi patch

- Sound changes instantly
- 16 user banks, each bank has Lower, Upper and Split
- You can edit Octaves and volume of Lower, Upper and Split
- Ease of assigning each user bank to an ascii character from your pc keyboard
- Use sounds from Kontakt, Vst, Sf2, all kinds of sounds that have Lsb Msb Prg location
- One of the advantages is that you can mix two sounds or split your keyboard without having ・・・(略)

to edit your samples manually
- You can also use Live midi patch to make changes to a Synthesizer (Hardware)
-On Android you can combine Live midi patch with Fluidsynth and change their SF2 sound banks


10 Explore Course For Korg's Nautilus

Explore Course For Korg's Nautilus

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Matt Vanacoro ! This course on Nautilus will show you everything you need to know ! With 26 videos, and 1 hour and 39 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg's Nautilus, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


11 Make Dance Music with Gadget Course for Korg

Make Dance Music with Gadget Course for Korg

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Nigel Broad ! This course on Gadget will show you everything you need to know ! With 19 videos, and 1 hour and 20 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg's Gadget, look no further… This macProVideo course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


12 volca fm Course for Korg by Ask.Video

volca fm Course for Korg by Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on volca fm will show you everything you need to know ! With 22 videos, and 52 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg's volca fm, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


13 Matrix Brute Adv. Synthesis Course by Ask.Video

Matrix Brute Adv. Synthesis Course by Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Marc Doty ! This course on Advanced Synthesis Matrix Brute will show you everything you need to know ! With 15 videos, and 1 hour and 42 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Arturia Matrix Brute, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


14 volca kick Explored Course By Ask.Video

volca kick Explored Course By Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on volca kick will show you everything you need to know ! With 21 videos, and 29 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg's volca kick, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


15 Intro Course For Electribe by Ask.Video

Intro Course For Electribe by Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on Intro to Electribe will show you everything you need to know ! With 21 videos, and 58 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg Electribe, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


16 volca keys Course for Korg by Ask.Video

volca keys Course for Korg by Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on volca keys will show you everything you need to know ! With 21 videos, and 53 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg volca keys, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


17 volca bass Explored For Korg by Ask.Video

volca bass Explored For Korg by Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on volca bass will show you everything you need to know ! With 20 videos, and 51 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg volca bass, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


18 volca beats Explored Course By Ask.Video

volca beats Explored Course By Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on volca beats will show you everything you need to know ! With 20 videos, and 1 hour and 2 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Korg's volca beats, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


19 Controls Course For minilogue By Ask.Video

Controls Course For minilogue By Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Matt Vanacoro ! This course on The Controls For minilogue will show you everything you need to know ! With 18 videos, and 58 XX minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn minilogue for Korg, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


20 Programming the minilogue Course By Ask.Video

Programming the minilogue Course By Ask.Video

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Matt Vanacoro ! This course on Korg will show you everything you need to know ! With 20 videos, and X1hour and 7 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Programming minilogue, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


21 Prologue Video Manual by Ask.Video 101

Prologue Video Manual by Ask.Video 101

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Matt Vanacoro ! This course on KORG will show you everything you need to know ! With 28 videos, and 1 hour and 36 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn Prologue, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


22 Exploring volca sample Course By AV

Exploring volca sample Course By AV

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, G.W. Childs ! This course on Korg will show you everything you need to know ! With 22 videos and 48 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn volca sample, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


23 Volca Modular Course by Ask.Video 107

Volca Modular Course by Ask.Video 107

Featuring our industry specialist trainer, Rishabh Rajan ! This course on Cubase 10 will show you everything you need to know ! With 18 videos, and 52 minutes of valuable reference material ! Including a fully interactive interface! So if you’re looking to learn volca Modular, look no further… This Ask.Video course is the best and fastest way to learn it !


24 Soundfont KMP Piano

Soundfont KMP Piano

Styles with auto accompaniment Add styles KMP & Soundfont support Audio recording Scales


25 F7 Sounds and Ringtones

F7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


26 Midi-note-102 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-102 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


27 Midi-note-106 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-106 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


28 G7 Sounds and Ringtones

G7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


29 Midi-note-105 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-105 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


30 Midi-note-104 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-104 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


31 A7 Sounds and Ringtones

A7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


32 Midi-velocity-52 Ringtones

Midi-velocity-52 Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


33 Midi-note-103 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-103 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


34 Midi-note-101 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-101 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


35 CSharp7 Sounds and Ringtones

CSharp7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


36 Midi-note-97 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-97 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


37 DSharp7 Sounds and Ringtones

DSharp7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


38 E7 Effects and Ringtones

E7 Effects and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


39 Midi-note-59 Sounds & Rings

Midi-note-59 Sounds & Rings

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


40 B6 Sounds and Ringtones

B6 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


41 G4 Sounds and Ringtones

G4 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


42 A4 Sounds and Ringtones

A4 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


43 D4 Sounds and Ringtones

D4 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


44 D2 Sounds and Ringtones

D2 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


45 B7 Sounds and Ringtones

B7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


46 B0 Sounds and Ringtones

B0 Sounds and Ringtones

The best sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


47 D7 Sounds and Ringtones

D7 Sounds and Ringtones

The best free sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


48 Korg Sounds and Ringtones

Korg Sounds and Ringtones

More than 10 free sounds! Save as alarms! Save as notifications! Save as ringtones! Customize your device!


49 Crazy Pad fixed

Crazy Pad fixed

Experimental XY coordinate player Ability to "program the ball" Settings can be saved


50 D'Addario ダダリオ クリップチューナー クロマチックタイプ Eclipse Tuner フルカラーディスプレイ Black PW-CT-17BK 【国内正規品】

D'Addario ダダリオ クリップチューナー クロマチックタイプ Eclipse Tuner フルカラーディスプレイ Black PW-CT-17BK 【国内正規品】

早くて正確なチューニングが可能 縦長のフルカラーディスプレー 2箇所の駆動部分を回転させることで見やすい角度にセッティングが可能 メーカー側の意匠変更により、予告なく外観上のデザイン・カラー等が変わる場合がございます こちらの商品は日本国内代理店商品となります(並行輸入品は代理店保証を受けることが出来ません)

楽器・音響機器 > カテゴリー別 > アクセサリ > 第1位


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