これが売れてる 【Carautoplay】

1 Lexus NX 200T 300H2014-2018ヘッドユニットGPSナビゲーションシステムSWC4G WIFI BTUSBミラーリンク内蔵ワイヤレスカープレイ用AndroidカーステレオSatNav

Lexus NX 200T 300H2014-2018ヘッドユニットGPSナビゲーションシステムSWC4G WIFI BTUSBミラーリンク内蔵ワイヤレスカープレイ用AndroidカーステレオSatNav

DVR機能のサポート、リアカメラのサポート:USBを接続することでラジオでビデオを見ることができます。接続が簡単で見やすいです。 (オプションのアクセサリー)ADAS機能、前方衝突警告システム、前部車両出発警告、道路での安全性を高めます。
内蔵のワイヤレスCarplay:CarPlayは、車内でiPhoneをよりスマートかつ安全に使用する方法です。 CarPlayは、運転中にiPhoneでやりたいことを実行し、それらを車の内蔵ディスプレイに表示します。 道順を調べたり、電話をかけたり、メッセージを送受信したり、音楽を聴いたりすることができます。これらはすべて、道路に集中できる方法です。 iPhoneを接続するだけです。
ビルトインGPSナビゲーション:ビルトインGPS / GLONASSナビゲーション。ビルトインマップ、永久に無料で更新。マップの更新について:マップを更新したい場合は、お問・・・(略)

い合わせください。「ドロップボックス」にアップロードします。 他の場所でダウンロードしないでください。ダウンロードすると元の地図が破損します。地図の更新時間:年に1回
BT機能:カーステレオにはBluetoothと電話帳機能が内蔵されています。 携帯電話から本機に電話帳を同期して、ハンズフリーで手軽に操作できます。 Bluetoothデバイスからワイヤレス音楽再生を楽しむこともできます。
ミラーリンクのサポート:AndroidまたはIOSスマートフォンのコンテンツをこのユニット画面にミラーリングできるため、より大きなディスプレイでビデオを見ることができます。Androidスマートフォンの場合は、USBケーブルを使用して双方向制御を実現し、電話帳や地図にアクセスすることもできます。 、音楽など。

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2 カーナビ 2din XTRONS 7インチ Android12 一体型車載PC 2022のアップグレード版 アンドロイド カーオーディオ Bluetooth 4G WIFI GPS iPhone対応 Android auto 対応 USB SD 全画面出力 (TSFシリーズ)

カーナビ 2din XTRONS 7インチ Android12 一体型車載PC 2022のアップグレード版 アンドロイド カーオーディオ Bluetooth 4G WIFI GPS iPhone対応 Android auto 対応 USB SD 全画面出力 (TSFシリーズ)

【2022最新のアップグレード版で、スムーズにご使用】本android12ナビのメモリーはROM 32GB+強力な4コア+2GB RAM+64ビットプロセッサを採用し、迅速なアプリが起動されて、スムーズなビデオ再生でき、ユーザーを満足させます。
【マルチウインドウ表示・Carautoplay機能内蔵】①マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。② Carautoplay機能内蔵:本体内蔵のアプリ(Carauto)で、iPhoneとandroidスマホが有線接続が対応可能、オプション品追加不要で、iPhone/Androidスマホが画面に表示されます。 (Carautoplay機能は、動画アプリが対応できません)

【全画面シェアー機能も追加】全画面シェアー機能も搭載、RCAで商品の全ての画面を外部モニターに出力可! また、Google map地図アプリやYoutubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。さらに、多彩なLED・壁紙選択可な7インチ カーナビです。
【豊富な機能&PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】ブルートゥース・USB・SD・PIP機能内蔵・DSP機能内蔵・ラジオ・映像出力・映像入力・ハンズフリー通話とブルートゥース音楽などに対応して、 USB/TFは64GBまで対応できます。1年保証が付きますので、ご安心ください。また、 PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可能で、ご希望の場合、メールにてご連絡お願いします。

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3 XTRONS 2din カーナビ 7インチ Android12 一体型ナビ HDMI出力 8コア 8GB+256GB 大容量 カーオーディオ カーステレオ Bluetooth Wifi GPS iPhone Carplay Android auto USB SD 映像入力 TIQ722P

XTRONS 2din カーナビ 7インチ Android12 一体型ナビ HDMI出力 8コア 8GB+256GB 大容量 カーオーディオ カーステレオ Bluetooth Wifi GPS iPhone Carplay Android auto USB SD 映像入力 TIQ722P

★【Android12 OSにアップグレード、8GBRAM +256GB ROM 大容量7インチカーナビ】 本7インチ一体型カーオーディは、 11nmの先端のプロセス(高効率と低消費)+ Cortex A73コア4つ+Cortex A53コア4つを備えた高性能Kryo 260 CPU付きの車載用Qualcomm Snapdragon 665(スナドラ665)チップを採用され、もっと早く、もっとスムーズに、もっと楽に!
★ 【マルチウインドウ表示・iPhone carplayとandroid auto機能内蔵】 ①マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。 ② Carautoplay機能内蔵:本体内蔵のアプリ(Caratopaly)で、iPhone Carplayが無線接続可能;android auto機能が有線接続が対応可能、オプション品追加不要で、スマ・・・(略)

ホの内容がナビ画面に表示されます。ご注意: iPhone carplayとandroid auto機能は、動画アプリが対応できません。
★【ご自由にネットアプリをインストールできる】 XTRON独創的の画面デザインなので見やすくて、操作が簡単です。1024*600の超高画質でTPMS/OBD2/DVR/iPhone対応、720P、1080P、2K、4Kビデオ映像対応、日本語表示も対応できます。さらに、WIFIテザリング対応可、ネットに繋がり、内蔵のPlay ストアを利用して、Google mapアプリやYoutubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。
★【HDMI出力機能付&基本機能も充実】HDMI出力機能で、商品の全ての画面を外部モニターに出力可能です。また、FM・ハンズフリー通話とブルートゥース音楽・映像入力・ステアリングコントロール・多彩なLED・DSP/PIP対応可 ・microSDカード/USB 64GBまでを拡張可。
★【セット機能対応と電子PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】バックカメラ入力・DVR入力・前後レンズDVR・OBD2診断 ※ご希望の場合、メールでお問い合わせて下さい。 また、PDF版日本語説明書は、下記のURL(https://xtrons.com/community/index.php/user-manuals-japanese/ ) からダウンロード可能。何かご不明な点がございましたら、メールにてご連絡すれば、対応いたします。

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4 XTRONS カーナビ 2din 7インチ Android12 車載PC ワイヤレス CarPlay android auto 対応 4G Simカード対応 一体型ナビ カーオーディオ ミラーリング Bluetooth Wifi USB SD 入力 (TIAシリーズ)

XTRONS カーナビ 2din 7インチ Android12 車載PC ワイヤレス CarPlay android auto 対応 4G Simカード対応 一体型ナビ カーオーディオ ミラーリング Bluetooth Wifi USB SD 入力 (TIAシリーズ)

★【XTRONS 最新7型 Android12のアップグレード版・スムーズと安定】 本2DIN7インチナビは、ROM 64GBまで倍増して、超大容量でストレージの赤字をなくします。強力な8コア+4GB RAM+64ビットプロセッサを採用し、迅速なアプリが起動されて、スムーズなビデオ再生でき、ユーザーを満足させます。また、XTRONS独創的の画面UIを採用、 暗色背景で、運転に影響が出ず 1024*600超高画質 映画のような視覚体験
★【4G通信キャリアをサポート+USB/ WIFIテザリングも対応】4G通信モジュール内蔵により、ユニットのSIMカード用スロットにマイクロSIMカードを入れて、より簡単で安全でインターネットにアクセスができます。 また、WIFIテザリングとUSBテザリングもサポート可能となり、お気に入りの方式で、カンタンにネットに繋がることができます。

Android auto機能内蔵・ミラーリング対応・マルチウインドウ表示】① Carautoplay機能内蔵: iPhone Carplayが無線接続対応可;Android autoが無線/有線接続も接続対応、オプション品追加不要で、iPhone/Androidスマホが画面に表示されます。 (Carautoplay機能は、動画アプリが対応できません) . ②スクリーンミラーリング- 本体内蔵のアプリ(Carbilink app)でスマートフォンの写真、音楽、動画などをそのままナビ本体に同期することができます。 ③マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。
★【お好きなアプリを便利にインストール】4G/WIFIを利用して、ネットに繋がり、内蔵のPlay ストアで、Google mapアプリやYouTubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。1080Pビデオ対応、PIP機能対応・DSP/OBD2 /DVR機能対応、車ロゴ設定、多彩なLED、日本語表示も完璧
★【豊富な機能&PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】ブルートゥース5.0・ハンズフリー通話とBluetooth音楽に対応 USB/TFは64GBまで対応・ラジオ・映像入力・バックカメラ映像入力・ステアリングコントロール。また、 電子PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可能で、( https://xtrons.com/community/index.php/user-manuals-japanese/)からダウンロードしてください。何かご不明な点がございましたら、メールにご連絡後、対応いたします。

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5 XTRONS カーナビ 1DIN Android13 一体型車載PC 10.1インチ QLED大画面 回転可能なモニター 16GBゼンリン地図付 4GB+64GB カーオーディオ 4G通信対応 iPhone Carplay Android auto対応 WIFI USBテザリング ミラリング (DX120L-MAP)

XTRONS カーナビ 1DIN Android13 一体型車載PC 10.1インチ QLED大画面 回転可能なモニター 16GBゼンリン地図付 4GB+64GB カーオーディオ 4G通信対応 iPhone Carplay Android auto対応 WIFI USBテザリング ミラリング (DX120L-MAP)

【☆Android13 OS最新システム+16GBゼンリン地図カード付】この2dinナビは、ROM 64GBまで倍増して、超大容量でストレージの赤字をなくします。強力な8コア+4GB RAM+ 64GB ROM + 64ビットプロセッサを採用し、迅速なアプリが起動されて、スムーズなビデオ再生でき、ユーザーを満足させます。また、最新入荷16GBゼンリン3D版の地図カード付き、全国道路オフライン利用可!ドライブはもっと安全・快適になります。
【☆業界初 回転可能なカーナビ登場☆ モニターが横も縦も表示可能】縦表示対応、回転可能なモニター、10インチ大画面を横/縦も表示でき、上下スライド/前後の角度調整機能を備えて、運転席からのベストな角度や表示に調整可能。また、XTRONS独創的の画面UIを採用、暗色背景で、運転に影響が出ず 1280*720 超高画質QLEDスクリーン 映画のような視覚体験。・・・(略)

【☆CarPlay、Android Auto対応・ミラーリング・マルチウインドウ表示】①iPhone Carplayが無線接続対応可;Android autoが無線/有線接続も接続対応、オプション品追加不要で、iPhone/Androidスマホが画面に表示されます。②スクリーンミラーリング- スマートフォンの写真、音楽、動画などをそのままナビ本体に同期することができます。③マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。
【☆4G通信キャリアをサポート+USB/ WIFIテザリングも対応】4G通信モジュール内蔵により、ユニットのSIMカード用スロットにマイクロSIMカードを入れて、より簡単で安全でインターネットにアクセスができます。 また、WIFIテザリングとUSBテザリングもサポート可能となり、お気に入りの方式で、カンタンにネットに繋がることができます。ネットに繋がり、内蔵のPlay ストアを利用して、Google mapアプリやYouTubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。lay ストアを利用して、Google mapアプリやYouTubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。また、4Gドングルにも対応可能。
【☆豊富な機能&1年保証サービス&PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】Android以外の機能も豊富:Bluetooth5.0・USB・SD・ラジオ・映像入力・1080P、2Kビデオ対応、OBD2 /DVR機能対応、多彩なLED、日本語表示も完璧、ハンズフリー通話とブルートゥース音楽などに対応して、 USB/TFは64GBまで対応できます。また、 PDF版日本語説明書は、(https://xtrons.com/community/index.php/user-manuals-japanese/)からダウンロード可能で、何かご不明な点等ございましたら、メールにご連絡すれば、すぐに対応いたします。

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6 XTRONS カーナビ 2din Android11 車載PC 7インチ 2022新機種 8コア 4GB+64GB カーオーディオ ゼンリン地図搭載 4G通信対応 Bluetooth iPhone CarPlay対応 android auto ミラーリング Wifi USBテザリング SD 入力 (TIA-MAP)

XTRONS カーナビ 2din Android11 車載PC 7インチ 2022新機種 8コア 4GB+64GB カーオーディオ ゼンリン地図搭載 4G通信対応 Bluetooth iPhone CarPlay対応 android auto ミラーリング Wifi USBテザリング SD 入力 (TIA-MAP)

★【2022 Android11のアップグレード版・16GBゼンリンオフライン地図カード搭載】 2022新型7インチオーディオ一体型ナビは、強力な8コア+4GB RAM+64GB ROMプロセッサを採用し、より高速でスムーズな処理スピードを提供します。また、最新16GBゼンリン観光地図カード付き、全国道路オフライン利用可!ドライブはもっと安全・快適になります。
★【4G通信キャリアをサポート+USB/ WIFIテザリングも対応】4G通信モジュール内蔵により、ユニットのSIMカード用スロットにマイクロSIMカードを入れて、より簡単で安全でインターネットにアクセスができます。 また、WIFIテザリングとUSBテザリングもサポート可能となり、お気に入りの方式で、カンタンにネットに繋がることができます。
★【Carautoplay機能内蔵・ミラーリング対応・マルチウインドウ表示】① Carauto・・・(略)

play機能内蔵: iPhone Carplayが無線接続対応可;Android autoが無線/有線接続も接続対応、オプション品追加不要で、iPhone/Androidスマホが画面に表示されます。 (Carautoplay機能は、動画アプリが対応できません) . ②スクリーンミラーリング- 本体内蔵のアプリ(Carbilink app)でスマートフォンの写真、音楽、動画などをそのままナビ本体に同期することができます。 ③マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。
★【お好きなアプリを便利にインストール】ネットに繋がり、内蔵のPlay ストアで、Google mapアプリやYouTubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。 XTRONS独創的の2種類UI内蔵、暗色背景で、運転に影響が出ず 1024*600超高画質 映画のような視覚体験 1080Pビデオ対応、PIP機能対応・DSP/OBD2 /DVR機能対応、車ロゴ設定、多彩なLED、日本語表示も完璧 
★【豊富な機能&1年保証サービス&PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】ミラーリング・ブルートゥース・USB・SD・ラジオ・映像入力・ハンズフリー通話とブルートゥース音楽などに対応して、 USB/TFは64GBまで対応できます。1年保証が付きますので、ご安心ください。また、 PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可能で、ご希望の場合、メールにてご連絡お願いします。

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7 カーナビ 2din XTRONS Android10.0 車載PC アップグレード版 7インチ カーオーディオ 2GB+32GB Bluetooth iPhone対応 Android auto 対応 Wifi GPS 全画面出力 バックカメラ搭載 (TSF701A-CAM005Y))

カーナビ 2din XTRONS Android10.0 車載PC アップグレード版 7インチ カーオーディオ 2GB+32GB Bluetooth iPhone対応 Android auto 対応 Wifi GPS 全画面出力 バックカメラ搭載 (TSF701A-CAM005Y))

🚘【2021最新のアップグレード版+バックカメラ搭載】本2dinアンドロイドナビのメモリーはROM 32GB+強力な4コア+2GB RAMの構成で、迅速なアプリが起動されて、スムーズなビデオ再生でき、ユーザーを満足させます。また、バックカメラ搭載によって、バックガイドラインが付いて、駐車や車庫入れ時もっと簡単になります。
🚘【マルチウインドウ表示・Carautoplay機能内蔵】①マルチウインドウ表示-画面に2つのアプリを走らせることができ、とても便利です。② Carautoplay機能内蔵:本体内蔵のアプリ(Carauto)で、iPhoneとandroidスマホが有線接続が対応可能、オプション品追加不要で、iPhone/Androidスマホが画面に表示されます。 (Carautoplay機能は、動画アプリが対応できません)

🚘【全画面シェアー機能も追加】全画面シェアー機能も搭載、RCAで商品の全ての画面を外部モニターに出力可! また、Google map地図アプリやYoutubeなどお好きなアプリをインストールできます。さらに、多彩なLED・車ロゴ設定・壁紙選択可な7インチ カーナビです。
🚘【豊富な機能&PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可】ブルートゥース5.0・USB・SD・PIP機能内蔵・DSP機能内蔵・ラジオ・映像出力・映像入力・ハンズフリー通話とブルートゥース音楽などに対応して、 USB/TFは64GBまで対応できます。1年保証が付きますので、ご安心ください。また、 PDF版日本語説明書がダウンロード可能で、ご希望の場合、メールにてご連絡お願いします。

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8 Android 12 カーステレオ GPS 衛星ナビ タッチスクリーン マルチメディアプレーヤー メルセデスベンツ Eクラス W212 E200 E260 W207 + DVR用,Qualcomm 662 8+256GB 12.5 inch-2013-2014 NTG4.5 RHD

Android 12 カーステレオ GPS 衛星ナビ タッチスクリーン マルチメディアプレーヤー メルセデスベンツ Eクラス W212 E200 E260 W207 + DVR用,Qualcomm 662 8+256GB 12.5 inch-2013-2014 NTG4.5 RHD

▶【対応車種】スムーズで効率的なパフォーマンスを実現する Android 12 システムの組み合わせ。この Android カーステレオは、メルセデスベンツ E クラス W212 E200 E260 W207 用に特別に設計されています (車のモデル/年式/形状/スタイルユニットを再確認してください)。 購入する前に)
▶【内蔵 CarAutoPlay/Android Auto】このカー ステレオは、移動中に携帯電話から GPS、Google アシスタント、Siri ect に直感的にアクセスできる便利な機能を備えており、真のコネクテッド エクスペリエンスを実現します。 運転をより簡単かつ安全にし、すべての旅を快適な体験に変えます。
▶【GPSナビゲーション、WiFiシステム】外部GPSアンテナを備えた内蔵GPSレシーバーモジュール。 無料のオフラインマップ「Here Wego」をプリイン・・・(略)

ストールするか、その他の地図・ナビアプリ(Waze、Sygic)に対応しており、インストールも可能です。 インターネット用の内蔵WIFIモジュールにより、インターネットサーフィンを楽しみ、オンラインナビゲーション/音楽/映画などを可能にします。
▶【前後デュアル録画DVR付きカーラジオ】1080前後デュアル録画高精細赤外線暗視ドライブレコーダーを搭載し、32GBメモリカードを搭載し、運転中のすべてを完璧に記録し、運転中の快適性を高めます。 安全運転。 後退時に鮮明で鮮明な画像を提供し、後退後に駐車支援を提供します。
▶【Bluetooth搭載カーステレオ】内蔵Bluetoothモジュールは、A2DPオーディオストリーミングでハンズフリー機能をサポートし、携帯電話からSpotifyとPandoraをワイヤレスでストリーミングできます。 最新の音楽、ニュース、スポーツ、その他のエンターテイメント用の内蔵 FM RDS ラジオ。

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9 為にホンダ フリード 2008-2016オーディオ一体型ナビ9インチ ダブルディン CarPlay&Android Autoオリジナルのハンドル コントロール,M200s 2+32g

為にホンダ フリード 2008-2016オーディオ一体型ナビ9インチ ダブルディン CarPlay&Android Autoオリジナルのハンドル コントロール,M200s 2+32g

☛適用モデル☚: 為にホンダ フリード 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016。ラジオがあなたの車と互換性があるかどうかわからない場合は、電子メールで販売者に連絡し、車のモデルと製造年、および車のセンターコンソールの写真を送ってください。
☛複数の基本機能が含まれています☚: Android 11.0 に内蔵されたカー ラジオ マイクは、GPS/4 コア/8 コア/Bluetooth 4.0 および 5.0 (音楽とハンズフリー通話)/5G WiFi/4G LTE/1080P ビデオ/USB/より大きなサイズをサポートしますIPSタッチスクリーン/ミラーリンク/オリジナルステアリングホイールコントロール/オリジナルカーパワーアンプ/リバース/車両情報/多言語/インテリジェントボイスコントロール/フルAV出力/DAB+(追加購入が必要)/Ca・・・(略)

☛Carautoplay、BT 機能、オリジナルのハンドル コントロールをサポート☚: このカー ステレオには、Apple carplay と Android Auto (USB ケーブル付き) が組み込まれています。電話をかけたり、音楽を再生したり、GPS ナビゲーションを行ったり、メッセージを送受信したりできます。ホスト ステアリング ホイール コントロール (swc) はデジタル SWC と組み合わせて使用​​され、安全な運転、インテリジェントな音声コントロールを保証します: 音声コントロール (追加購入が必要) をサポートし、手を完全に解放し、安全な運転を確保します。
☛AHD高解像度反転☚:ブルートゥース付きのカーラジオには、高解像度の反転画像が装備されており、4灯のリアビューカメラが装備されています。 360° パノラマ カメラと ADAS DVR、衝突防止警告ドライブ レコーダーをサポート 車両の衝突回避警告と車線逸脱警告により、運転がより安全になります。 (360° パノラマ カメラまたは 8 灯式リアビュー カメラまたは ADAS DVR が必要な場合は、個別に購入することもできます)。
☛FM/AM ラジオと DSP☚: FM/AM ラジオ、自動検索と手動検索をサポートし、ターゲット ステーション アイコンをドラッグしてチャンネル リストで置き換えることができます。数字オーディオ処理モジュール、多次元サラウンドロスレスサウンドエフェクト、高精細オーディオビジュアルのごちそうをお楽しみください!

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10 Androidカーステレオラジオ2 Din Sat Nav for Mercedes Benz C-Class W205 GLC-Class W253 2014-2018 GPS Navigation 10.25 inch Touch Screen Multimedia Player Video Receiver

Androidカーステレオラジオ2 Din Sat Nav for Mercedes Benz C-Class W205 GLC-Class W253 2014-2018 GPS Navigation 10.25 inch Touch Screen Multimedia Player Video Receiver

適切なモデル:メルセデスベンツCクラスW205 GLCクラスW253 2014-2018(2014 2015 2016 2017 2018)の場合、決定を行う前に寸法と形状を確認してください。 車のオリジナルのUSBポートをサポートします。 プラグアンドプレイを直接インストールできます。 追加の部品やケーブルは必要ありません。
3D GPSナビゲーション:3Dマップ(iNANDマップ)を使用すると、目的の目的地に数秒で到達できます。 すべてのナビゲーション情報が利用可能です。 B.現在位置、速度、走行距離、建物の表示、3Dストリートビュー、目的地検索など
素晴らしい多機能:CarplayとAndroidのサポート。多くの楽しさと便利さを提供し、直接ステアリングホイールコントロール/オフラインおよびインラインマップ/ 3G / 4Gネットワ​​ーク/ WiFi /ハンズフリー通話/ FM /・・・(略)

AM /ビデオ再生/サポート アクセサリ(BT、反転ビデオ、リアビューカメラ、フロントカメラ、TPMS)/ HDMI出力のサポート。
高速4G / WIFIネットワーク:組み込みのWIFIネットワークがあり、最新の4Gモジュールをサポートしています。 これにより、インターネットに簡単にアクセスして、音楽をオンラインで聴いたり、オンラインビデオを見たり、オンラインゲームを見たり、レビューを電子メールで送信したりできます。
プロフェッショナルなプリセールスおよびアフターサービス:Amazonのチャットまたは投稿を介して、車のモデル、製造年、およびダッシュボードの写真を送信することをお勧めします。 このカーステレオがあなたの車に最適であることを確認するお手伝いをします。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > 第1111位
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11 Androidカーステレオラジオ2 Din Sat Nav for Mercedes Benz C-Class W205 GLC-Class W253 2014-2018 GPS Navigation 10.25 inch Touch Screen Multimedia Player Video Receiver

Androidカーステレオラジオ2 Din Sat Nav for Mercedes Benz C-Class W205 GLC-Class W253 2014-2018 GPS Navigation 10.25 inch Touch Screen Multimedia Player Video Receiver

適切なモデル:メルセデスベンツCクラスW205 GLCクラスW253 2014-2018(2014 2015 2016 2017 2018)の場合、決定を行う前に寸法と形状を確認してください。 車のオリジナルのUSBポートをサポートします。 プラグアンドプレイを直接インストールできます。 追加の部品やケーブルは必要ありません。
3D GPSナビゲーション:3Dマップ(iNANDマップ)を使用すると、目的の目的地に数秒で到達できます。 すべてのナビゲーション情報が利用可能です。 B.現在位置、速度、走行距離、建物の表示、3Dストリートビュー、目的地検索など
素晴らしい多機能:CarplayとAndroidのサポート。多くの楽しさと便利さを提供し、直接ステアリングホイールコントロール/オフラインおよびインラインマップ/ 3G / 4Gネットワ​​ーク/ WiFi /ハンズフリー通話/ FM /・・・(略)

AM /ビデオ再生/サポート アクセサリ(BT、反転ビデオ、リアビューカメラ、フロントカメラ、TPMS)/ HDMI出力のサポート。
高速4G / WIFIネットワーク:組み込みのWIFIネットワークがあり、最新の4Gモジュールをサポートしています。 これにより、インターネットに簡単にアクセスして、音楽をオンラインで聴いたり、オンラインビデオを見たり、オンラインゲームを見たり、レビューを電子メールで送信したりできます。
プロフェッショナルなプリセールスおよびアフターサービス:Amazonのチャットまたは投稿を介して、車のモデル、製造年、およびダッシュボードの写真を送信することをお勧めします。 このカーステレオがあなたの車に最適であることを確認するお手伝いをします。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

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12 9.7 Inch Touch Vertical Screen Android 10.0 Car Stereo GPS Navigation for Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2009-2013 LHD, 6+128G

9.7 Inch Touch Vertical Screen Android 10.0 Car Stereo GPS Navigation for Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2009-2013 LHD, 6+128G

〓 Factory-fittedCar radio multimedia player for Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 left-hand drive. Support original steering wheel control, factory rear camera etc.
〓 Super Hardware & SoftwareAndroid 10.0 car audio replacement. Octa Core CPU, 6GB RAM + 128GB ROM. Huge 9.7" IPS capacitive touch screen with 1024*768 high resolution. Larger and clearer screen provide you excellent・・・(略)

experience in the car.>GPS Navigation & Wifi ConnectOnline or offline map navigation, support Voice Guide, 2D/3D map. Built-in wifi module for WiFi connection & mobile phone hotspot connection, allows to surf the Internet and dow
〓 GPS Navigation & Wifi ConnectOnline or offline map navigation, support Voice Guide, 2D/3D map. Built-in wifi module for WiFi connection & mobile phone hotspot connection, allows to surf the Internet and download Apps.
〓 Support Apple CarPlay & Android Autowhich makes it possible to access all your smartphone features on the radio. It also support mirror link for iOS and Android phones.
〓 Bluetooth 5.0 & FM/AM Radio ReceiverStable Bluetooth 5.0 connection, support hands free calls, auto loading phonebooks, Bluetooth music playback etc. FM/AM radio tuner, support worldwide analog radio channel frequency, listen to your favorite station in the car.

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車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

13 12.1 Inch HD Touch Screen Android 12 Car Stereo GPS Navigation Wireless Carplay GPS Navigation Radio Multimedia Player for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L320 (6+128G)

12.1 Inch HD Touch Screen Android 12 Car Stereo GPS Navigation Wireless Carplay GPS Navigation Radio Multimedia Player for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L320 (6+128G)

〓 Applicable Models: Specifically designed as a replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L320 models from 2005 to 2009, this car multimedia player offers an advanced design that enhances your driving experience. Experience the perfect fit and seamless integration with your vehicle.
〓 System Performance: This multimedia player is based on the powerful Android 12 system. It offers a range of fea・・・(略)

tures including support for Android phone image projection screen, 4G network connectivity, Wi-Fi capability, and the ability to connect to your phone's hotspot. Enjoy fast and reliable performance with a range of connectivity options.
〓 Smart Design: Experience the convenience of built-in wireless Carplay with this multimedia player. It seamlessly integrates with your phone, offering easy access to your mobile phone contacts, email, notifications, map navigation, music, videos, and more. You can even make use of voice assistants for hands-free operation and added convenience.
〓 Bluetooth 5.0: Enjoy wireless audio streaming with the touch screen's Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. Stream your favorite music wirelessly and control playback directly from the player. The built-in Bluetooth functionality also allows for hands-free calling or answering, ensuring a safe and convenient driving experience.
〓 Backup Image: Enhance your safety and visibility while reversing with the 1080HD reverse image support of this multimedia player. With better night vision capabilities, you can navigate with confidence. As soon as you shift into reverse gear, the car radio's touch screen will automatically display the rear view image, providing you with added peace of mind.

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車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

14 Bluetooth Car Radio Multimedia Player Touch Screen Car Stereo For Aygo 2005-2014 Peugeot 107 With GPS Support Mirror Link/Steering Wheel Control Dual USB Backup Camera

Bluetooth Car Radio Multimedia Player Touch Screen Car Stereo For Aygo 2005-2014 Peugeot 107 With GPS Support Mirror Link/Steering Wheel Control Dual USB Backup Camera

〓 Bluetooth & GPS:Built-in smart Bluetooth system, can support mobilephone Bluetooth pairing, hands-free dialing supportsteering wheel button street listening, to ensure your driving safety.Built-in GPS Navigation ,You can easily by using the online/ offline map.and offer up-to-date roadway information and concise driving directions.
〓 Steering Wheel Control & Rearview Camera:connecting this 9-inc・・・(略)

h car stereo with a rear-view camera can help you park your car safely. Automatically switch to reverse image when the car is in reverse gear. Protect your daily driving safety,support steering wheel control, you can control your music or volume in the steering wheel with this function.
〓 Support Apple CarPlay & Android Auto:You can use your Phones while driving in a smarter & safer way. Get directions, make calls, send and receive messages, and enjoy your favorite music with just a word or a touch. Stay focus on the road.
〓 4G&WiFi: This car stereo has built-in WiFi function can surf the Internet freely, so you can download thousands of applications from the Play store. You can also browse news and watch online videos anytime, anywhere.
〓 High Configuration- Screen:high definition upgrade capacitive touch screen,touch will be more sensitive and accurate,support 1080P video playback, image and video display effect more clear and confortable.to obtain richer car experience.give you a fantastic experience.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
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15 Car Multimedia Player, 10.25in Car Multimedia Player for Android 10 8 Core Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 Bosch 2013‑2016(6+128G)

Car Multimedia Player, 10.25in Car Multimedia Player for Android 10 8 Core Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 Bosch 2013‑2016(6+128G)

〓 Fitment ----- Car multimedia player is replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 Bosch 2013‑2016, replacement for Land Range Rover Vogue L405 Bosch 2013‑2016.
〓 Function ----- Connect your smartphone to your car stereo wirelessly via Bluetooth, you can easily use GPS navigation to make calls, messages, music, radio, video and much more.
〓 Connection Method ----- Support for IOS wireless ・・・(略)

carplay and for Android connection, also support 4G network or WIFI, and can connect to cell phone hotspot.
〓 Touch Operation ----- 10.25inch large touch screen, high definition resolution, giving you clear images, effectively improve driving performance.
〓 Features ----- Support multi language, retain all the functions of the original car, black classic appearance, and to bring you excellent use experience.

ホーム&キッチン > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_0 > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_4201 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

16 Android 12 Car Radio Stereo 9 Touch Screen for Ford Kuga 2 Escape 3 2012-2019 with Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Reversing Camera Steering Wheel Control FM/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P5(

Android 12 Car Radio Stereo 9 Touch Screen for Ford Kuga 2 Escape 3 2012-2019 with Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Reversing Camera Steering Wheel Control FM/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P5(

〓 1. Double Din Android Car Stereo: 9 inch IPS carplay car radio for Ford Kuga 2 Escape 3 2012-2019. With the powerful new Android 12 system, you could enjoy the smooth and responsive experience. Supports audio and video formats, allowing you to enjoy faster, smoother and smarter navigation apps.The package comes with all the cables you need, please check the year and model before purchasing.
〓 2.・・・(略)

Car Radio with Wireless Carplay/Android Auto: Android car stereo built-in CarPlay and Android Auto, wired USB cable or Bluetooth and WiFi wireless connection for Carplay and Android Auto. The car stereo will quickly get the APP on your phone supported by the current system, such as map, voice command navigation, making calls, sending and receiving messages and listening to music. (Only P4,P5,P6 built in CarPlay and Android Auto, For more
〓 3.Bluetooth 5.0 & FMRDS Radio: Android car play built-in Bluetooth system and microphone, when you connect Bluetooth, you can use hands-free calls, stream Bluetooth music, automatically play and load your phone book, easy to pick up a phone call. High-quality digital stereo FM radio lets you enjoy news, music, traffic information and your favourite programmes anytime, anywhere. (Only P4,P5,P6 have BT 5.0, P2,P3 have BT 4.1, P1 have
〓 4.Android Radio GPS & Split Screen Mode: CarPlay radio support navigation software compatible with Android operating systems. Support for offline/online maps for faster and more efficient planning of your every driving route and safer driving. Split screen mode allow you can run two applications side-by-side on the screen, such as displaying navigation maps and audio playback at the same time.
〓 5.Rear View Camera & Steering Wheel Control: Support high-definition 1080P camera image input, you don't need to adjust the night vision. When you pull the reverse gear, the stereo will automatically turn on the camera and display an image on the screen, and let you park safely. Support use the original steering wheel buttons of the car to control the car audio,you could quickly switch the functions you want, more convenient and safer.

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17 Android 11 Stereo Car Multimedia Radio For Bmw Mini Cooper R56 R60 R51 2006-2014 9 Inch Car Stereo Head Unit Support 4G WIFI Bluetooth Steering Wheel Controls Carplay

Android 11 Stereo Car Multimedia Radio For Bmw Mini Cooper R56 R60 R51 2006-2014 9 Inch Car Stereo Head Unit Support 4G WIFI Bluetooth Steering Wheel Controls Carplay

〓 Android Radio:Car radio for Bmw Mini Cooper R56 R60 R51 2006-2014, with Android latest response and smooth Operation system, 1280*720p high resolution, with the octa-core CPU . This vertical 9 inch car radio will be the center of multimedia player in your car, support 1080P video playback,can provide better hand feeling and excellent display effect.
〓 Carplay: The Carplay system can closely inte・・・(略)

grate the user's device and experience with the dashboard system. Users who use carplay can connect to the car system via Bluetooth to realize voice-controlled navigation, make calls, send and receive messages, and listen to music.
〓 Android/IOS Mirror Link:Android/IOS mirroring function is supported. You can connect your phone to the car stereo system via the original data cable to easily connect and sync the content (video, GPS, etc.) you can also mirror movies for kids to watch while we take longer trips.
〓 Built-in GPS navigation & Wifi Connection:Focus car radio work with wifi, built in GPS, you can download apps you want and use online maps such,you can also use offline maps on this android in dash headunit.
〓 Rear View Camera & SWC: The car radio is connected to the reverse gear and then automatically switch reversing image on the screen, backup camera is included. Besides, it also supports original car steering wheel button learning function, through it you can control the functions that you need by steering wheel, more convenient.

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18 Android 12 Car Stereo 9 Touchscreen For Jeep Compass 2010-2016 With Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Controls FM Radio/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P3(2G+32G))

Android 12 Car Stereo 9 Touchscreen For Jeep Compass 2010-2016 With Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Controls FM Radio/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P3(2G+32G))

〓 1. Double Din Android Car Stereo: 9 inch IPS carplay car radio for Jeep Compass 2010-2016. With the powerful new Android 12 system, you could enjoy the smooth and responsive experience. Supports audio and video formats, allowing you to enjoy faster, smoother and smarter navigation apps.The package comes with all the cables you need, please check the year and model before purchasing.
〓 2.Car Radi・・・(略)

o with Wireless Carplay/Android Auto: Android car stereo built-in CarPlay and Android Auto, wired USB cable or Bluetooth and WiFi wireless connection for Carplay and Android Auto. The car stereo will quickly get the APP on your phone supported by the current system, such as map, voice command navigation, making calls, sending and receiving messages and listening to music. (Only P4,P5,P6 built in CarPlay and Android Auto, For more
〓 3.Bluetooth 5.0 & FMRDS Radio: Android car play built-in Bluetooth system and microphone, when you connect Bluetooth, you can use hands-free calls, stream Bluetooth music, automatically play and load your phone book, easy to pick up a phone call. High-quality digital stereo FM radio lets you enjoy news, music, traffic information and your favourite programmes anytime, anywhere. (Only P4,P5,P6 have BT 5.0, P2,P3 have BT 4.1, P1 have
〓 4.Android Radio GPS & Split Screen Mode: CarPlay radio support navigation software compatible with Android operating systems. Support for offline/online maps for faster and more efficient planning of your every driving route and safer driving. Split screen mode allow you can run two applications side-by-side on the screen, such as displaying navigation maps and audio playback at the same time.
〓 5.Rear View Camera & Steering Wheel Control: Support high-definition 1080P camera image input, you don't need to adjust the night vision. When you pull the reverse gear, the stereo will automatically turn on the camera and display an image on the screen, and let you park safely. Support use the original steering wheel buttons of the car to control the car audio,you could quickly switch the functions you want, more convenient and safer.

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19 13.3‘‘ Android 12 128G Auto Stereo For Ford Mustang 2010-2014 1920 * 1080 Car GPS Navigation Multimedia Player Headunit Radio Wireless Carplay

13.3‘‘ Android 12 128G Auto Stereo For Ford Mustang 2010-2014 1920 * 1080 Car GPS Navigation Multimedia Player Headunit Radio Wireless Carplay

〓 Vehicle Compatibility Fit for Ford Mustang 2009-2014 ,Support Wireless & Wired USB Carplay/ Wired USB Android Auto
〓 Radio DetailsAndroid System , 8- core CPU 4GRAM 32GROM. IPS Screen 1920*1080 Resolution. Built-in DSP with 4*50W amplification/ FM Radio/ Microphone/ Music / Navigation/ bluetooth 5.0. WIFI 3G 4G Network.
〓 Plug and Play Comes with Plug and Play cable and canbus, Support Factory S・・・(略)

teering Wheel Control, Radar Parking Sensor and A/C Information Display
〓 AM/FM Radio with RDS & Built-in DSP. Listening to the radios on the road with excellent sound quality.
〓 Multifunctions bluetooth Hands-free Phone Call. Support Sync phone book. Support GPS Navigation. Support Google Map and GPS Voice Guidance.Support Steering Wheel control, AF/FM Radio

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
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20 Car Media Receiver Car Multimedia Player Wireless 5.0 High Resolution GPS Navigation for Vogue V8 L322 (4+64G)

Car Media Receiver Car Multimedia Player Wireless 5.0 High Resolution GPS Navigation for Vogue V8 L322 (4+64G)

〓 HD Screen: Car media receiver with 12.3inch IPS capacitive touch screen, high definition resolution to bring you an excellent visual experience.
〓 Connection Method: Support for IOS wireless and for Android connection, also support 4G network or WIFI, and can connect to cell phone hotspot.
〓 Wireless : 5.0 technology provides faster transmission speeds and longer distances. By pairing with your ・・・(略)

smartphone, you can receive and make hands calls, play music and download phonebooks.
〓 Multifunctional Design: Connect your smartphone wirelessly to the car stereo via , and you can easily use GPS navigation, call, message, music, radio, video and other functions.
〓 Vehicle Fitment: Car multimedia player is replacement for Land Rover Vogue V8 L322 2005‑2012, which is made according to the prototype of the car.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

21 Android 11 Car Radio Upgrade for Ford Mustang 2015-2020 9.7 inch Stereo Replacement Tesla Style Touch Screen Unit Audio Multimedia Player GPS Navigation 4+64 GB

Android 11 Car Radio Upgrade for Ford Mustang 2015-2020 9.7 inch Stereo Replacement Tesla Style Touch Screen Unit Audio Multimedia Player GPS Navigation 4+64 GB

〓 Vehicle CompatibilityFit For Ford Mustang 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020. Support manual and automatic air conditioning, support seat heating.,Support Wireless & Wired USB Carplay/ Wired USB Android Auto
〓 Radio DetailsAndroid System , 8- core CPU 4GRAM 64GROM. IPS Screen 1920*1080 Resolution. Built-in DSP with 4*50W amplification/ FM Radio/ Microphone/ Music / Navigation/ bluetooth 5.0. WIFI 3G ・・・(略)

4G Network.
〓 Plug and Play Comes with Plug and Play cable and canbus, Support Factory Steering Wheel Control, Radar Parking Sensor and A/C Information Display
〓 AM/FM Radio with RDS & Built-in DSP. Listening to the radios on the road with excellent sound quality.
〓 Customer ServiceManufacturer'S Direct Sales Store, One-Year Warranty Direct Cooperation With Automobile Manufacturers, Plus Lifetime After-Sales Service. If You Have Any Questions, Feel Free to Contact Us Any Time.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

22 Android 10 Car Multimedia Player Car Radio With For Audi A4 B9 2017-2019 12.5 Inch Touchscreen Android Auto Car Stereo With Bluetooth/FM Radio/USB Support Mirror Link (Color : N600

Android 10 Car Multimedia Player Car Radio With For Audi A4 B9 2017-2019 12.5 Inch Touchscreen Android Auto Car Stereo With Bluetooth/FM Radio/USB Support Mirror Link (Color : N600

〓 Steering Wheel Control & Reversing Input:Car original steering wheel remote control button programme supported, more convenient to control car radio when you are driving. Included waterproof night vision backup camera, after connected it, when you pull the reverse gear, the device will show rear view image automatically,you more peace of mind when reversing.
〓 OBD System:Monitor whether the exha・・・(略)

ust is exceeding the standard at any time based on the running condition of the engine, and will immediately issue a warning if the exhaust is exceeding the standard. When the system fails, the failure light or the check engine warning light is on, and the powertrain control module stores the fault information in the memory can quickly and accurately determine the location of the fault.
〓 Mirror Link Car Stereo Support: Mirror Link with an Android or iOS smartphone (depends upon compatibility), through phone's original USB line Can synchronize to the onboard screen. with the most advanced and modern system. high current USB output can be charged mobile phone. Play the role of your MP5 player, radio. It is your best choice for your car.
〓 The Android car stereo has built-in DSP amplifier.bringing the perfect sound effect to your car.Music will sound clear even at high volumes.This car radio has built-in WiFi function that allows you to surf the Internet freely, so you can download thousands of applications from the Store.You can also browse news and watch online videos anytime, anywhere.
〓 Safe Driving:Bluetooth's hands free function enables you to call safely while driving. And you can setting the automatic answer function under Bluetooth status.When a call comes in,you can use the steering wheel controls or touch screen to answer or hang up the call..

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23 Car Stereo 12.3 Inch Touch Screen Car Radio with Bluetooth, GPS, WIFI, MP5 MP4 MP3 Player Car Multimedia Player Compatible with Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322

Car Stereo 12.3 Inch Touch Screen Car Radio with Bluetooth, GPS, WIFI, MP5 MP4 MP3 Player Car Multimedia Player Compatible with Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322

〓 Network and Mobile Phone Connection: Support 4G network, WIFI, mobile hotspot network connection, support for IOS wireless carplay and for Android mobile phone connection.
〓 GPS and Reversing Image: Support the original driving recorder or install new one (not included), support 1080HD reversing image to ensure safe reversing operation.
〓 Multi Functional: Built in for Google Store, browser, car・・・(略)

map and other APP, built in Bluetooth 5.0, support Bluetooth call, Bluetooth music play, etc.
〓 Touch Screen: Features 12.3in touch screen with 1920x720 resolution for a great visual experience, multi language support with black classic appearance.
〓 Applicable Model: The car multimedia player is a replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322 2005‑2012, suitable for both left and right driving.

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24 android 12 car stereo 9.0" Touchscreen for Land Rover Freelander 2 2006-2012 with GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Controls/Bluetooth (Size : TS10(6+128G))

android 12 car stereo 9.0" Touchscreen for Land Rover Freelander 2 2006-2012 with GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Controls/Bluetooth (Size : TS10(6+128G))

〓 1. Double Din Android Car Stereo: Double din car radio with Android OS, smooth and responsive operation for Land Rover Freelander 2 2006-2012. 9" 2.5D touch screen is highly responsive. Supports split screen function to display two programs at the same time. Comes with external microphone, EQ sound and HiFi function provide better listening experience.>2. Built-in Carplay and Android Auto: Compa・・・(略)

tible with Wireless Carplay and Androi
〓 2. Built-in Carplay and Android Auto: Compatible with Wireless Carplay and Android Auto, this car stereo enables superior voice assist control and makes it easy to access features like music, GPS navigation, calls, notifications, messages and more, keeping your hands free during absolutely safe driving maneuvers!
〓 3.Bluetooth Car Radio: This car radio supports Bluetooth hands-free calling/music streaming/book sync, built-in microphone for clearer calls. FM/RDS radio adopts high quality radio chip, high noise reduction and anti-interference capability, preset radio stations.
〓 4.WiFi & Car GPS Navigation: You can connect double din car stereo with home WiFi or hot spot on phone. Double din car stereo very convenient to download such as Map APP. After connected wifi, in app, you can download free map of any country you need (via menu - download map) for offline navigation.
〓 5.SWC and Rear View Camera Input: Support original car steering wheel control, control this car multimedia player through the steering wheel to make driving safer. Including the waterproof night vision camera, the rear view camera screen will automatically appear on the touch screen of the double din Bluetooth car radio after the reverse gear is installed.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

25 Car Stereo for Hilux 2015-2024 with Wireless Apple Carplay,12.3 Inch Touch Screen Car Radio with GPS Navigation Bluetooth WiFi 4+64 GB

Car Stereo for Hilux 2015-2024 with Wireless Apple Carplay,12.3 Inch Touch Screen Car Radio with GPS Navigation Bluetooth WiFi 4+64 GB

〓 Vehicle Compatibility Fit For Hilux 2015-2023 ,Support Wireless & Wired USB Carplay/ Wired USB Android Auto
〓 Radio DetailsAndroid System , 8- core CPU 4GRAM 32GROM. IPS Screen 1920x720 Resolution. Built-in DSP with 4*50W amplification/ FM Radio/ Microphone/ Music / Navigation/ bluetooth 5.0. WIFI 3G 4G Network.
〓 Plug and Play Comes with Plug and Play cable and canbus, Support Factory Steering ・・・(略)

Wheel Control, Radar Parking Sensor and A/C Information Display
〓 AM/FM Radio with RDS & Built-in DSP. Listening to the radios on the road with excellent sound quality.
〓 Multifunctions bluetooth Hands-free Phone Call. Support Sync phone book. Support GPS Navigation. Support Google Map and GPS Voice Guidance.Support Steering Wheel control, AF/FM Radio

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
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26 Car Multimedia Player Stereo Audio Radio Autoradio Android 8Core GPS Head Unit Scree Fit For Land Range Rover Evoque L538 2011 2012-2018 (Color : 9.0 4G 64GB Carplay)

Car Multimedia Player Stereo Audio Radio Autoradio Android 8Core GPS Head Unit Scree Fit For Land Range Rover Evoque L538 2011 2012-2018 (Color : 9.0 4G 64GB Carplay)

〓 Fitment: For Land Range Rover Evoque L538 2011 2012-2018
〓 CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER : high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and accurate, high-definition pixel display, Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
〓 SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car GPS module supports the online and offline n・・・(略)

avigation applications of the Google Play application market. With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving.
〓 MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 10.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play
〓 SUITABLE MODEL: Please make sure you have the correct shape/style OEM unit before purchasing. If you are not sure whether it is appropriate, you can send us the picture of the center console first.

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27 12.3in 8 Core Car Multimedia Player, Touch Screen Car Audio Receiver, with Google Store, Browser, Car Map and Other APP, Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322 (6+128G

12.3in 8 Core Car Multimedia Player, Touch Screen Car Audio Receiver, with Google Store, Browser, Car Map and Other APP, Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322 (6+128G

〓 Multi Functional: Built in for Google Store, browser, car map and other APP, built in Bluetooth 5.0, support Bluetooth call, Bluetooth music play, etc.
〓 Network and Mobile Phone Connection: Support 4G network, WIFI, mobile hotspot network connection, support for IOS wireless carplay and for Android mobile phone connection.
〓 GPS and Reversing Image: Support the original driving recorder or inst・・・(略)

all new one (not included), support 1080HD reversing image to ensure safe reversing operation.
〓 Touch Screen: Features 12.3in touch screen with 1920x720 resolution for a great visual experience, multi language support with black classic appearance.
〓 Applicable Model: The car multimedia player is a replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Vogue V8 L322 2005‑2012, suitable for both left and right driving.

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28 12.3 Inch Touch Screen Android 10.0 Car Stereo GPS Navigation for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 2013-2017 4+64G, Black for Bosch System (Black)

12.3 Inch Touch Screen Android 10.0 Car Stereo GPS Navigation for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 2013-2017 4+64G, Black for Bosch System (Black)

〓 Android radio multimedia player for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 2013-2017 Bosch System. Black color. Come with leather cover. It will retain original bosch system. For left hand drive. Check the 2nd and 3rd photos displayed to confirm your car system. Must send us your car information and a photo of original UI for confirmation.
〓 Octa Core Rockchip CPU, 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM. Huge 12.3" IPS ・・・(略)

capacitive touch screen with 1280*720 high resolution. Larger and clearer.>Built-in Wireless Apple CarPlay & Wired Android Auto, makes it possible to access your smartphone features on the radio. It also support mirror link for iOS and Android phones.>Built-in GPS module for online or google offline map navigation, support Voice Guide, 2D/3D map. Built-in wifi module for WiFi conne
〓 Built-in Wireless Apple CarPlay & Wired Android Auto, makes it possible to access your smartphone features on the radio. It also support mirror link for iOS and Android phones.
〓 Built-in GPS module for online or google offline map navigation, support Voice Guide, 2D/3D map. Built-in wifi module for WiFi connection & mobile phone hotspot connection, allows to surf the Internet and download Apps. Support 4G SIM card.
〓 Stable Bluetooth 5.0 connection, support hands free calls, auto loading phonebooks, Bluetooth music playback etc. FM/AM radio tuner with DSP, support worldwide analog radio channel frequency, listen to your favorite station in the car.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

29 Car Multimedia Player 12.3in Car Stereo Radio for Android 10 Wireless Carplay Auto GPS Navigation Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover (Bose)

Car Multimedia Player 12.3in Car Stereo Radio for Android 10 Wireless Carplay Auto GPS Navigation Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover (Bose)

〓 High quality material: Car Multimedia Player is made of high quality faux leather and ABS and metal materials, more wear-resistant and durable. Professionally made, high performance.
〓 Built in Multiple APPs: The car stereo has built in for YouTube, for Netflix, for Google online Maps, radio, music and other common applications to provide you with accurate navigation.
〓 Easy to install: Car Mult・・・(略)

imedia Player is easy to assemble and disassemble. Professional installation is highly recommended to avoid trouble or damage.
〓 12.3in Large IPS Screen: Our car radio has been equipped with 12.3in IPS capacitive touch screen, whose 1280x720 high definition resolution can bring you an excellent visual experience; and the 178 ° full angle of view enables clear viewing even in different positions
〓 Product Package: 1 x Car Stereo, 1 x 4G Cable, 1 x 4G Antenna, 1 x GPS Cable, 1 x Power Cable, 1 x Backup Row Line, 1 x Mic Cable, 1 x Installation Base, 5 x Screw.

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30 Android 12 Car Radio Stereo 9 Touch Screen for Jeep Cherokee 5 KL 2014-2018 with Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Control FM/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P5(4G+64

Android 12 Car Radio Stereo 9 Touch Screen for Jeep Cherokee 5 KL 2014-2018 with Carplay, GPS Navigation, AHD Backup Camera Steering Wheel Control FM/Bluetooth/USB (Size : P5(4G+64

〓 1. Double Din Android Car Stereo: 9 inch IPS carplay car radio for Jeep Cherokee 5 KL 2014-2018. With the powerful new Android 12 system, you could enjoy the smooth and responsive experience. Supports audio and video formats, allowing you to enjoy faster, smoother and smarter navigation apps.The package comes with all the cables you need, please check the year and model before purchasing.
〓 2.Ca・・・(略)

r Radio with Wireless Carplay/Android Auto: Android car stereo built-in CarPlay and Android Auto, wired USB cable or Bluetooth and WiFi wireless connection for Carplay and Android Auto. The car stereo will quickly get the APP on your phone supported by the current system, such as map, voice command navigation, making calls, sending and receiving messages and listening to music. (Only P4,P5,P6 built in CarPlay and Android Auto, For more
〓 3.Bluetooth 5.0 & FMRDS Radio: Android car play built-in Bluetooth system and microphone, when you connect Bluetooth, you can use hands-free calls, stream Bluetooth music, automatically play and load your phone book, easy to pick up a phone call. High-quality digital stereo FM radio lets you enjoy news, music, traffic information and your favourite programmes anytime, anywhere. (Only P4,P5,P6 have BT 5.0, P2,P3 have BT 4.1, P1 have
〓 4.Android Radio GPS & Split Screen Mode: CarPlay radio support navigation software compatible with Android operating systems. Support for offline/online maps for faster and more efficient planning of your every driving route and safer driving. Split screen mode allow you can run two applications side-by-side on the screen, such as displaying navigation maps and audio playback at the same time.
〓 5.Rear View Camera & Steering Wheel Control: Support high-definition 1080P camera image input, you don't need to adjust the night vision. When you pull the reverse gear, the stereo will automatically turn on the camera and display an image on the screen, and let you park safely. Support use the original steering wheel buttons of the car to control the car audio,you could quickly switch the functions you want, more convenient and safer.

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31 Wireless Car Receiver, 5.0 8 Core LED Meter Auto Stereo Handsfree Calling for Vogue V8 L322 for Android 12 (6+128G)

Wireless Car Receiver, 5.0 8 Core LED Meter Auto Stereo Handsfree Calling for Vogue V8 L322 for Android 12 (6+128G)

〓 Multifunctional Design: Connect your smartphone wirelessly to the car stereo via , and you can easily use GPS navigation, call, message, music, radio, video and other functions.
〓 Wireless : 5.0 technology provides faster transmission speeds and longer distances. By pairing with your smartphone, you can receive and make hands calls, play music and download phonebooks.
〓 Connection Method: Suppor・・・(略)

t for IOS wireless carplay and for Android connection, also support 4G network or WIFI, and can connect to cell phone hotspot.
〓 Vehicle Fitment: Car multimedia player is replacement for Land Rover Vogue V8 L322 2005‑2012, which is made according to the prototype of the car.
〓 HD Screen: Car media receiver with 12.3inch IPS capacitive touch screen, high definition resolution to bring you an excellent visual experience.

ホーム&キッチン > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_0 > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_4201 > ランク外

32 Android 10 Car Stereo With Sat Nav For KIA CEED 2012-2018 10 Inch Touch Screen Car Stereo With Bluetooth/WiFi/FM/RDS/USB Touch Screen Radio (Size : L3 2GB+32GB)

Android 10 Car Stereo With Sat Nav For KIA CEED 2012-2018 10 Inch Touch Screen Car Stereo With Bluetooth/WiFi/FM/RDS/USB Touch Screen Radio (Size : L3 2GB+32GB)

〓 Multi-FunctionsWi-Fi Hotspot Internet / Mirror Link / UI Desktop Themes / EQ Audio / 1080P HD Video Playback / Split Screen / GPS Navigation / Bluetooth (hands-free calling) / Steering Wheel Control / Online Maps / Music / FM RDS Radio / Dual USB Input / Compatible with AHD Rear View Camera.
〓 State-of-the-art Portable Car StereoThis portable car stereo supports seamlessly integrating your smart・・・(略)

device with wireless CarPlay or Android Auto via Bluetooth.
〓 Wireless CarPlay & Android Auto Built-in Wireless Car Play and Android Auto, the car stereo keeps you up with useful features including an incredibly intuitive way to access calls, music. Make your driving easier and safer and turn every journey into a pleasant experience.
〓 Built-in GPS & WiFi SystemBase on latest Android system, 2GB RAM+32GB ROM, the Android car stereo is built-in GPS and WiFi Module for online and offline navigation, online video, online browsing and more Apps downloaded, just like on an Android tablet device.
〓 Bluetooth 5.0 and FM/RDS Radio this car radio supports Bluetooth hands-free calling/music streaming/book sync, built-in microphone for clearer calls. FM/RDS radio adopts high quality radio chip, high noise reduction and anti-interference capability, preset radio stations.

ホーム&キッチン > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_0 > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_4201 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

33 Car Stereo with AC Panel for Chevrolet Camaro 2010-2015 4+32GB 8 inch Android Radio 2Din Stereo Receiver Autoradio Multimedia Player GPS Navi Head Unit Screen

Car Stereo with AC Panel for Chevrolet Camaro 2010-2015 4+32GB 8 inch Android Radio 2Din Stereo Receiver Autoradio Multimedia Player GPS Navi Head Unit Screen

〓 Touch screen GPS navigation head unit with AC panel for Chevy Camaro 2010-2015. Keep the original style
〓 Featuring a powerful octa-core processor, the latest version Android 10.0 operating system, 4GB RAM and 32GB ROM, large 8" IPS display screen with Featuring a powerful octa-core processor, the latest version Android 10.0 operating system, 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM, large 8" IPS display screen Thi・・・(略)

s car audio provide faster running speed and clearer experience. resolution. This car audio provide faster running speed and clearer experience.>AM/FM
〓 AM/FM Radio with RDS & Built-in DSP. Listening to the radios on the road with excellent sound quality.
〓 GPS Navigation & WiFi Connect: Support online and google offline map. Support voice guide, 2D/3D map. Get to your destination easily and quickly. You can download android-compatible apps by connecting mobile hotspot or wifi.
〓 Support wireless CarPlay & Wired Android Auto. Use your smart phone while driving in a safer and more convenient way. Bluetooth 5.0 allows hands-free call, sync contacts, stream music.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

34 Android 10 9.7 Inch Car Radio for Ford Kuga Escape 2013-2015 Supports Carplay Android Car Bluetooth Speaker Hands-Free Calling Touch Screen Car with Rear View Camera FM USB

Android 10 9.7 Inch Car Radio for Ford Kuga Escape 2013-2015 Supports Carplay Android Car Bluetooth Speaker Hands-Free Calling Touch Screen Car with Rear View Camera FM USB

〓 Safe Driving:Bluetooth's hands free function enables you to call safely while driving. And you can setting the automatic answer function under Bluetooth status.When a call comes in,you can use the steering wheel controls or touch screen to answer or hang up the call.
〓 Support Rear Camera Input:The display screen can clearly display the information behind the car through the car camera. When the・・・(略)

driver is reversing, he can see the situation behind the car on the monitor, which avoids the accident caused by the driver can not see the situation behind the car when reversing.which give you more peace of mind when reversing.
〓 Car Stereo With Sat Navi:This Android car radio has a built-in GPS receiving function, and a navigation APP that supports downloading free maps around the world has been installed.You can easily by using the online/offline map.and offer up-to-date roadway information and concise driving directions.You can go wherever you want to go without worrying about getting lost.
〓 Mirror Link Car Stereo Support: Mirror Link with an Android or iOS smartphone (depends upon compatibility), through phone's original USB line Can synchronize to the onboard screen. with the most advanced and modern system. high current USB output can be charged mobile phone. Play the role of your MP5 player, radio. It is your best choice for your car.
〓 OBD System:Monitor whether the exhaust is exceeding the standard at any time based on the running condition of the engine, and will immediately issue a warning if the exhaust is exceeding the standard. When the system fails, the failure light or the check engine warning light is on, and the powertrain control module stores the fault information in the memory can quickly and accurately determine the location of the fault.

ホーム&キッチン > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_0 > d32726f4-08a3-4a70-8aaf-f9eaadce5096_4201 > ランク外

35 Car Multimedia Player, 10.25in Car Stereo Radio for Android 10 8 Core Wireless Carplay GPS Navigation Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover(6+128G)

Car Multimedia Player, 10.25in Car Stereo Radio for Android 10 8 Core Wireless Carplay GPS Navigation Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover(6+128G)

〓 Fitment ----- Universal for left and right hand drive; Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Sport L494 2016‑2017; Replacement for Land Rover Range Rover Vogue L405 2016‑2017.
〓 HD Screen ----- The car media receiver features a 10.25in IPS capacitive touch screen with HD resolution for a great visual experience, multi language support and black classic appearance.
〓 Multifunctional ----- Connec・・・(略)

t your smartphone to your car stereo wirelessly via Bluetooth, you can easily use GPS navigation, call, message, music, radio, video and other functions.
〓 Wireless Bluetooth ----- Bluetooth 5.0 technology provides faster transmission speed and longer distance. Receive and make handsfree calls, play music and download phonebooks in seconds by pairing it with your smartphone.
〓 High Compatibility ----- With wireless and wired connection, you can easily access apps for IOS and for Android phones. Compatible with for IOS 5 and above, for Android phones 11.0 and above.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

36 Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for Skoda Octavia 2013-2018 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Outpu

Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for Skoda Octavia 2013-2018 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Outpu

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For Skoda Octavia 2013-2018
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and acc・・・(略)

urate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

37 Car Radio Stereo GPS Navigation for SsangYong Tivoli 2019-2021 Plug And Play 9 Inch Touch Display Android 11 Support Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth hands-free function Built-in Car

Car Radio Stereo GPS Navigation for SsangYong Tivoli 2019-2021 Plug And Play 9 Inch Touch Display Android 11 Support Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth hands-free function Built-in Car

✔ Year and model:For SsangYong Tivoli 2019-2021 HD Double Din Car Stereo the 2.5D HD Touch Screen let you have a good visual experience.Support Subwoofer and AUX input,high-speed USB2.0 interface compatible with a variety of U disk.
✔ Car Play & AndroidAuto:Built - in Carplay and Android Auto system. Both need to be connected with via original USB cable.Android-Auto need to download Android Auto A・・・(略)

PK first. The car radio will quickly get the APP on your phone supported by the current system, such as message, music, map navigation and realize voice command to control the car stereo.
✔ Mirror Link For Android & IOS:Mirror your mobile phone to the car radio , then you could GPS navigation or watch video,ect. IOS & Android interconnection can be connected via USB data cable If you are a Android user,before connecting the mirror link,you need to set some permissions in the developer options.Support IOS system , Android system
✔ Bluetooth 4.0 &FM Function:Supports hands-free calls,Bluetooth music broadcast,automatically read and load your phone book,easy to take a phone call and keep you safer driving.High quality FM radio with automatic channel search.
✔ Rear view Camera Input:don't need to set night-vision. When you pull the reverse gear, the stereo will automatically turn on the camera and display an image on the screen,and keep you safety parking.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

38 Radio Navigation for HONDA STEPWGN 2009-2015(right) Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (

Radio Navigation for HONDA STEPWGN 2009-2015(right) Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (

✔ [Applicable Models]: for HONDA STEPWGN 2009-2015(right); Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you ・・・(略)

to download apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

39 Radio Navigation for Peugeot 206 1998-2012 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 786

Radio Navigation for Peugeot 206 1998-2012 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 786

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Peugeot 206 1998-2012; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to downlo・・・(略)

ad apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

40 Radio Navigation for Citroen C5 2008-2017 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

Radio Navigation for Citroen C5 2008-2017 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Citroen C5 2008-2017; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to downloa・・・(略)

d apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

41 Radio Navigation for Fiat Stilo 2002-2010 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

Radio Navigation for Fiat Stilo 2002-2010 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Fiat Stilo 2002-2010; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to downloa・・・(略)

d apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

42 Radio Navigation for Suzuki SX4 2006-2014 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

Radio Navigation for Suzuki SX4 2006-2014 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Suzuki SX4 2006-2014; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to downloa・・・(略)

d apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

43 Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for Skoda Fabia 2007-2014 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for Skoda Fabia 2007-2014 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For Skoda Fabia 2007-2014
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and accur・・・(略)

ate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

44 Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for KIA Carnival 2002-2006 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for KIA Carnival 2002-2006 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For KIA Carnival 2002-2006
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and accu・・・(略)

rate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

45 Car Radio Stereo GPS Navigation for Honda Civic 2015-2020 Plug And Play 9 Inch Touch Display Android 11 Support Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth hands-free function Built-in CarPlay

Car Radio Stereo GPS Navigation for Honda Civic 2015-2020 Plug And Play 9 Inch Touch Display Android 11 Support Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth hands-free function Built-in CarPlay

✔ Year and model:For Honda Civic 2015-2020 HD Double Din Car Stereo the 2.5D HD Touch Screen let you have a good visual experience.Support Subwoofer and AUX input,high-speed USB2.0 interface compatible with a variety of U disk.
✔ Car Play & AndroidAuto:Built - in Carplay and Android Auto system. Both need to be connected with via original USB cable.Android-Auto need to download Android Auto APK fi・・・(略)

rst. The car radio will quickly get the APP on your phone supported by the current system, such as message, music, map navigation and realize voice command to control the car stereo.
✔ Mirror Link For Android & IOS:Mirror your mobile phone to the car radio , then you could GPS navigation or watch video,ect. IOS & Android interconnection can be connected via USB data cable If you are a Android user,before connecting the mirror link,you need to set some permissions in the developer options.Support IOS system , Android system
✔ Bluetooth 4.0 &FM Function:Supports hands-free calls,Bluetooth music broadcast,automatically read and load your phone book,easy to take a phone call and keep you safer driving.High quality FM radio with automatic channel search.
✔ Rear view Camera Input:don't need to set night-vision. When you pull the reverse gear, the stereo will automatically turn on the camera and display an image on the screen,and keep you safety parking.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
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46 Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for Benz ML GL ML350 GL320 X164 2005-2009 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link F

Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for Benz ML GL ML350 GL320 X164 2005-2009 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link F

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For Benz ML GL ML350 GL320 X164 2005-2009
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sen・・・(略)

sitive and accurate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

47 Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for Peugeot 308 2013-2017 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output (

Android 11 9 Inch Navigator for Peugeot 308 2013-2017 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output (

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For Peugeot 308 2013-2017
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and accur・・・(略)

ate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

48 Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for KIA Cerato Foret 2017 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

Android 11 10 Inch Navigator for KIA Cerato Foret 2017 Car Radio Touch Screen Bluetooth Car Stereo Supports WiFi GPS USB Steering Wheel Control Bluetooth Mirror Link Full RCA Output

✔ SUITABLE MODEL: The car audio MP5 player applicable For KIA Cerato Foret 2017
✔ ANDROID CAR STEREO: The latest Android 11.0 operating system, efficient quad-core / octa-core processor, with 1GB / 2GB / 4GB/6GB/8GB RAM 16GB / 32GB / 64GB/128GB ROM, with excellent performance, faster and more stable.
✔ CAR MULTIMEDIA PLAYER :10-inch 2.5D high-definition multi-touch screen, more sensitive and accur・・・(略)

ate, high-definition 1080 720 pixel display, and supports 1920 1080 video playback.Ultra-clear video playback, imagine a visual feast! You can save all your favorite channels and listen to news, music and shows at any time.
✔ MULTI-FUNCTIONS: The integrated car stereo MIC in Android 11.0 supports GPS/Bluetooth 4.0/5.0 (music and hands-free calls)/WLAN/4G/1080P video/full RCA output/USB/larger IPS touch screen/mirror connection/steering wheel control/reversing image /Vehicle information/Multi-language/Plug and play, support external DVR/TPMS/OBD2/DAB+/Carplay/Dash Cam, etc. Rear view camera.
✔ SUPPORT GPS NAVIGATION: The car MP5 player integrated in the GPS module supports the online and offline navigation . With updated data in the navigation app, you won’t get lost again while driving. The two-zone function allows you to play radio/USB/SD music while navigating.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
車&バイク > カテゴリー別 > カーナビ・カーエレクトロニクス > カーナビ本体 > ランク外

49 Radio Navigation for Buick Excelle 2009-2015 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : T

Radio Navigation for Buick Excelle 2009-2015 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : T

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Buick Excelle 2009-2015; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to down・・・(略)

load apps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外

50 Radio Navigation for Benz SL 2001-2007 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863 M

Radio Navigation for Benz SL 2001-2007 Plug And Play Car Stereo Bluetooth FM Radio,Built-in Bluetooth 4.0 & WIFI Hotspot GPS Navigation/CarPlay With Reversing Camera (Color : 9863 M

✔ [Applicable Models]: for Benz SL 2001-2007; Support your car original USB ports.As a word, you can install it directly when you receive the parcel.Plug & play no any other parts or wires is needed
✔ [POWERFUL PERFORMANCE]: Newest Operation System - Android that gives your car radio faster running speeds, humanized notifications, new intuitive settings menu And play store is for you to download a・・・(略)

pps after Wi-Fi is connected..
✔ [3D GPS NAVIGATION]: With 3D maps , the best way to reach the desired destination is at your fingertips in seconds All navigation information is available, such as current position, speed, mileage, historical building view, 3D. street view, destination search and step-by-step voice directions, etc.
✔ [High-Speed ​​4G / WIFI Network]: It has an integrated WIFI network and can support the most updated 4G module, allowing you to easily access the Internet to listen to online music, watch online videos, watch online games, check email, etc . as long as you reach a WIFI hotspot or connect it to a 4G module.
✔ [Fantastic Multi Functions]: Support bluetooth / FM / AM / TPMS / DVR / TMC / OBD / DAB / USB / AUX / Wifi / hands-free / compatible SD storage / steering wheel control (SWC) / rear camera / mirror link / multi-language / capacitive screen / video music player / electronic reading / wifi web surfing etc.

家電&カメラ > Arborist Merchandising Root > Self Service  > Special Features Stores > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_0 > 406fee6c-84da-4e5c-a394-1d672d5a6807_6001 > ランク外
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